Sun light, vitamin D3, and immunosuppression.

Moderated sun exposure reduces skin inflammation by making vitamin D3, and with immunosuppression. D3 & immunosuppression. make the sun one of the most effective things for healing psoriasis. The sun can also cause irritation, sun burn, and contribute to skin cancer. How much sun will create these positive and negative effects depends on the weather, skin color, and general health.

Natural Sunlight Treatment

I do regular sunlight treatment on a regular basis. I use natural oils to maximize UV-B exposure benefits, while minimizing damage. I usually aim for the smallest amount of sun that will max out D3 production, which I think is the lowest risk. Sometimes I get as much sun as I can without burning to maximize the psoriasis healing effect. Here are a few sun treatment methods I use:

  • Lazy D3 method - Get outside for 30 min or an hour—with face, arms, and maybe legs exposed. Just be outside with normal clothes. Protect eyes. This will get most of your D3 production with little effort. No sunscreen, that blocks UV-B and D3. Put some kind of moisturizer on all exposed areas before exposure maybe HotChocAloe™. Supplement D3 if you didn't get much sun. Also fully supplement D3 on days with no sun exposure.
  • Max D3 full body - Run or lay out in the sun with minimal clothing for 30 min or an hour. Protect eyes and genitals. No sunscreen, that blocks UV-B and D3. Use a moisturizer or sun oil full body before hand. HotChocAloe™, RedGreenTea™ or plain sunflower oil are good.
  • Max immunosuppression. full body - Only after several weeks of regular sun exposure. Run or lay out in the sun with minimal clothing, Protect eyes and genitals. evenly exposing all areas, stop before the first sign of skin coloration change. No sunscreen, that blocks UV-B and D3. Use anti-oxidant sun oil full body before exposure, like RedGreenTea™ or plain sunflower oil. After, use anti-inflammatory after sun lotion, like HotChocAloe™ or SheaAloeBees™. Wearing long sleeve synthetic base layers can help stop oil from getting on things.
  • Over immunosuppression. spot treat - Only after several months of regular sun exposure. Use full body sun oil like RedGreenTea™, a couple of hours before exposure. Protect eyes and genitals. Sun with evenly for 30 min or an hour to max out vitamin D3. Then apply zinc based sunscreen, that doesn't use cancerous chemicals, to all areas except psoriasis patches. Re-apply sun oil to psoriasis patches. Sun evenly until first sign of skin coloration change around patches. Wash off the sun screen with soap-free body wash. After, apply anti-inflammatory after sun lotion, like HotChocAloe™ or SheaAloeBees™. Then spot treat psoriasis patches with active Vitamin D3 ointment (calcitriol, calcipotriol or calcipotriene) and topical corticosteroid (not on face: clobetasol propionate, hydrocortisone, desoximetasone, etc.). This will over-do the immunosuppression. anti-inflammatory effects on psoriasis spots, and then prevent sun burn inflammation. Wearing long sleeve synthetic base layers can help stop oil from getting on things.

UV-B Treatment

The anti-inflammatory skin effects from the sun—vitamin D3 & immunosuppression.—are mainly from UV-B light. Medical offices can provide artificial UV-B light treatment, which uses a UV-B booth similar to a tanning booth. The UV-B booths are usually set to very high intensities for short time periods of a few minutes. The doctors and nurses time light exposure and track your skin reaction. It's a particularly effective short term treatment that takes several months.

I have done this type of treatment once, and decided not to do it again because of the skin cancer risks.

Vitamin D3 production - sun & skin

Your skin makes vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) when exposed to the sun light, particularly UV-B. Very few foods contain D3, so the skin production of D3 is the primary source. D3 activity mainly functions with calcium, bones, immune system, mood, and skin.

Vitamin D3 can be supplemented. The main source of D3 in pills from sheep wool (lanolin). Overdosing on D3 from skin production is impossible. When supplementing large doses over weeks or months, D3 can build up to toxic levels causing calcium poisoning (calcification).

D3 is inactive until it is converted by the liver or kidney. There are active forms of vitamin D3 (calcitriol and calcipotriol) that are sold as drugs for topical spot treatment.

Anti-inflammatory Immunosuppression. - sun & skin

The sun also has an immunosuppression. effect which reduces skin inflammation, particularly UV-B. Unless you get enough sun to burn, which is obviously inflammation.

Sun Burn

Sun burn is bad. Avoid sun burn. Use sun oils before exposure to prevent damage like, RedGreenTea™ or sunflower oil. Use after sun oil to reduce inflammation and promote healing like HotChocAloe™ or SheaAloeBees™. And moderate sun exposure time. This will minimize skin damage and sun burn.

Skin Cancer

Sun burn is linked to skin cancer, especially bad sun burns during childhood. Chemical sunscreens are also linked to skin cancer. The EPA has cancer risk info for sunscreens.

Metabolic syndrome and inflammation are linked to higher cancer risk, and decreases death of cancer cells (apoptosis). So anti-inflammatory diet is good.

Vitamin D3 is linked to reduced skin caner risk, which is ironic as you produce it from sun exposure.

Carotenoids and vitamin E are the top dietary links to lowered skin cancer. Carotenoids are plant and fungi pigments, that are especially high is richly colored vegetables. Certain carotenoids have pre vitamin A activity: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. Carotenoids colors in leafy vegetables are masked by the chlorophyll, high levels result in very dark green. Carrots are famous for beta-carotene, where carrots get their name. The word carotene by itself is often used to refer to beta-carotene derived from carrots. Xanthophylls are a group of yellow carotenoids that contain oxygen, which include: lutein, zeaxanthin, neoxanthin, violaxanthin, alpha-cryptoxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin.

There are lots of different colored plants high in carotenoids. These are easy to get plenty of from normal anti-inflammatory foods. Here is a short list of carotenoid & vitamin E rich foods, that are low-carb and low omega-6:

  • Vitamin E - avocado oil, oleic sunflower oil, olive oil, egg yolk, butter, spinach, turnip greens, beet greens, collard greens, dandelion greens, broccoli, asparagus, avocados, olives.
  • Xanthophylls (yellow) - egg yolk, spinach, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, garden peas, zucchini, and all young/etiolated leaves.
  • Alpha-carotene (yellow-orange) - broccoli, spinach, turnip greens, collards, leaf lettuce, avocado, bok choy, green beans, green peas.
    - high carb sources: carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, all winter squash
  • Beta-carotene (red-orange) - gac oil*, kale, spinach, collards, sweet potato greens, sweet gourd greens.
    - high carb sources: gac fruit*, carrots, yams, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe, papayas, mangoes.
  • Lycopene (red) - gac oil*, parsley, autumn olive, rosehip
    high carb sources: gac fruit*, tomatoes,watermelon, pink grapefruit, pink guava, papaya, seabuckthorn, wolfberry, goji, and brown beans

    * Vietnamese gac fruit can contain 10 times the beta-carotene and 70 times the lycopene
    of the next highest sources, this is why I use gac oil in my RedGreenTea™ sun oil.


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